Sunday, October 4, 2009

thank you's

we have soooo many people to thank from our wedding.  It is a daunting task and we haven't had lots of time to work on it.  Originally I wanted to take a picture of us holding a big poster that said thank you / my other idea was to write a big thank you in sidewalk chalk and lay down by it on the pavement (with andrew of course) ...may sound funny but I've seen it done with a different concept and it was cute.  Anyway, we didn't have time to do either of those things so I decided to take another approach.  I put together these thank you's and we ordered them on a customizable postcard site.

                                      this is the front....

and this little guy is featured (small and in grayscale) on the back of the postcard.  And if you are reading this, I'm sure you will be getting one in the mail SOON!!!

but anyway, I was just so relieved to get started on the thank-you process!  it will feel good to get them all sent out.

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