Thursday, December 29, 2011

34 weeks

we just had our last ultrasound this week.  it is always so fun to see her, and she has definitely grown a lot. when the ultrasound tech told us that she weighs 5 1/2 pounds, andrew and i were so surprised! even though that's average--they said 58th percentile, it just seemed like so much. 5 1/2 pounds is a mostly grown baby! in fact my mom weighed more than a pound and a half LESS than that when she was born!!  it makes it feel more real and kind of makes me panic because we still need to get a lot ready. she is also head down, so it sounds like we won't have to worry about that.

her stats:

age: 6 weeks til birthday!!
weight: 5.5 lbs
length: 17 in. (approximate)
heartbeat: 136 bpm
name: unknown
gender: female
quirk: gets hiccups frequently

my stats:

feeling: happy + excited + exhausted + large
back pain: constant
weight gain: 25 lbs.
stretch marks: none yet
belly button: still an innie
sleeping: okay but a little uncomfortable
movements: still feel a lot but they are getting more muffled, and more painful
quirk: i am boycotting going to the movie theater til after this baby's born. it is so miserable because   i just can't get comfortable..
due date: february 8

p.s. if you want a sneak peek at the little lady, here's her profile:

can you see it? we aren't sure where she got those big lips, but andrew's calling her angelina jolie...

Monday, December 12, 2011



a few things i'm not used to...

-somebody opening my door and giving me a hand out of the car*
-somebody parking the car for us, and not having to walk in from a parking lot
-somebody taking my coat at the door
-somebody taking my dirty plates and napkins out of my hands
-somebody bringing around little desserts
-somebody noticing we didn't have drinks, asking what we'd like, and going and getting them for us
-somebody putting my coat on as i leave

well i think i could get used to some of these though ha ha. *not the car door thing. i don't like my gentlemen to get the door for me. i prefer not to wait and i don't mind letting myself out. the taking my dirty plate and getting me drinks and the bite size desserts on the other hand--now that wouldn't be too hard.


we went to our first PwC christmas party this weekend.  side note: trying to find a dress that has sleeves, goes down to the knees, is fancy, and covers a 7-month pregnant tum is kind of difficult.

anyway, i didn't really know what to expect...but we had a really good time. it was at neiman marcus downtown, which is funny. the party is literally inside the store, with racks of clothes and shoes pushed off to the sides, and cases of purses and watches in the middle of everything. and all with $700+ price tags ha ha.

 aside from all the fancy stuff, it really was fun. there was every kind of food to choose from, unlimited drinks (even though for us that just means soda, it's still fun...i think everyone who gets an unlimited free bar appreciates this even more though ha) and lots of activities. i thought it might be boring, but we left not being able to even do everything there. it was fun to go downtown and if i could've traded in my heels for bare feet, or actually maybe my nikes (my feet always hurt these days--i think it's a pregnancy thing?) i would have no complaints at all.  we've already made a mental to-do list for next year.

31 weeks

only two months to go and feeling good.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

the best

i'm not too good at getting the bed made every day. in fact it is one of those things i don't really care about on a daily basis. 

that's one way that andrew is the best. he makes the bed all the time. and he's also the best at flossing every night.

another best? rolled up sleeves mean that andrew has done the dishes. 

during the week i usually have a handle on keeping the kitchen clean. but when the weekend rolls around...i don't know what it is. i just let the dishes stack up. when andrew does the dishes....that's the best. and lately it's been a lot.
my view from the couch as i watch him clean up :)

and as a side note.... 

another best about being married is balancing shampoo and conditioner usage. ha ha.  i have always run out of conditioner so much quicker than shampoo. it is so annoying. but now, since andrew uses the shampoo but not the conditioner, they run out at almost the exact same time. i love it.

fall and holidays

fall is a bit belated in texas...but i can't complain. the weather has been nice and although it's a little colder these days, it's nothing compared to the bitter cold utah winters.

 in october we went to the BYU/TCU game at the dallas cowboys stadium. 

BYU lost. to make matters worse, the rangers lost the same night...they were so close
to winning too.  i have become a bit of a rangers fan. next year i believe third time will be the charm for them.

 we went with our good friends the barbers.
 for halloween we went as a golfer and a ball. a lot of people didn't really get my costume, especially if they saw me without andrew ha ha.
we carved the traditional pumpkin bearing our name.

we spent thanksgiving in texas. we went to the ward turkey bowl where i was just about the only wife spectator. i don't know if i'll make it again next year. you can tell from the pics just how foggy it was...and it was so cold. after the turkey bowl we went to allen and spent the weekend with the pickups. it was such a nice relaxing weekend. the dinner and pies were good too. we have so much to be thankful for.