Friday, October 2, 2009


Andrew got me Photoshop elements when he bought his new Macbook.  I haven't gotten lots of time to use it yet but this was my first creation. the only hitch is is don't know why it all turned out in black and white. I haven't figured out how to turn off that setting yet..ha ha.  i can't wait to find out everything that I can do with this program!


  1. Hey Meredith! I just your blog. You and Andrew are so cute! I love your PSE creationtoo, it is really cute. I think I know why it is in black & white. Call me next time you are making something in photoshop. Love you guys!

  2. Your quicker then I am. Mike got me PS for Christmas and I just opened it last week. You did a great job and I LOVE the header on your blog. Love and miss you guys!
