Monday, January 23, 2012

37 1/2 weeks


yikes. i don't know if taking pictures of yourself at this point in pregnancy is a healthy idea ha ha. we figured we ought to take some for posterity's sake though. these are all courtesy of mr. andrew pickup and they may be the last we get before she comes...?

-we finished our childbirth classes -- he hee ha haaa (you can hate me, but i don't really believe in lamaze breathing? all the other couples were so serious, and andrew and i couldn't stop laughing)
-i am seeing the doctor weekly now
-only church (hence the pics), a shower, or possibly going out to eat can get me out of my sweatpants
-we need to learn to install a carseat
-andrew is working so late, it's a miracle i'm still awake when he gets home (and i'm about as much fun as dental work by that time of day)
-i want one more week, then i'd like her to come
-i guess i need to pack a hospital bag
-her name is still undecided
-vitamin E oil...i'm a believer
-it's kind of funny how much babies and pregnant women have in common. neither of us sleep through the night...we both cry a lot, we're always hungry or tired or both, we gain weight rapidly/are chubby...
-it is weird to just stop planning your life after a certain date...if you looked at my calendar for the months of february/march, it would just be completely empty, with a few doctors appointments thrown in.