Saturday, February 12, 2011

surprise surprise

after his internship at ernst & young, andrew was offered a full-time position with them. if you remember this post, andrew had lots of options when deciding where to intern. he felt kinda conflicted when he had to choose and sign to intern at EY. he had also liked PWC (both are "big 4" accounting firms) but chose to go with EY. PWC said that when he was considering full-time opportunities to get in touch with them.

long story short, and with some help from a PWC friend in allen, andrew was given full-time offers from both big 4 firms. that is quite a big deal because it is not the way it usually works in the accounting recruiting biz. he is a real pot stirrer. what can i say, he is the shiz. ha ha. anyway, andrew chose to go with PWC for a few reasons, and so he will be starting with them september 2011 in dallas!

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